Hello everyone this is Alisson Viana with a quick tip. And actually it is exactly about the word “tip” that I am going to talk about today. The first use of this word is to give extra information to someone, like when you need help to answer a question that you consider to be very hard. Let’s suppose I made a question to you and you didn't know had to answer it, then I tell you:
“Ok, that’s fine I am gonna give you a tip” slowly
"Ok, that's fine I am going to give you a tip"
What I mean is that I am going to help you out with this question since it seems to be hard to you.
The second use of the word tip is to give an extra amount of money for a service, which can be a room serve in a hotel or maybe to a waiter in appreciation of his efforts to serve you well and many other services. In the United States there is a tradition to tip everyone who offers you a service like carrying your bags to your room, bringing a bottle of wine and so on. Just check out the bellow example:
Ex.: The boy from the Hotel took our bags to our room, and from the way he kept standing there in the doorway with his hand slightly out, palm up, you could tell he was hoping for a tip.
After that, we can also use the word tip like this. I was telling my mom about an awkward situation that happened to one of my friends last week. As I was telling her what happened she stopped me and asked: “What’s his name again please? Is it, umm! Don’t tell me I know his name. It is just on the tip of my tongue. Golly gosh I can’t remember it”
Okay, now in Portuguese we could say. “Ah o nome dele está na ponta da minha língua” Oh, his name is Just on the tip of my tongue. You know his name very well, but you can’t come up with the actual word.
Well, that was it for today. I hope this tip suit your needs on learning English. If you have any suggestion or any question let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email for alisson-62@hotmail.com I am Alisson Viana and this was one more “Dicas de Inglês.” Good bye.
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Como sempre um grande professor!! Melhor dos melhores!!! \o/