sábado, 23 de junho de 2012

Como resolver o Doodle do Google

Alan Turing’s 100th birthday is today and to honor his life, Google has made a Doodle as a tribute for him.

The logo is a representation of the look and functionality of the Turing machine, a machine that was base for modern computing. This Doodle asks you to solve the puzzle by completing the Google logo in a pattern of 0s and 1s.

Martin from TagSEO has an outstanding video taking you through the six steps to solve the equation. Here it is:

Turing worked for Britain’s Government Code and Cypher School (GCCS) responsible for German naval cryptanalysis and breaking German codes to help beat them in the war. In 1952, at the age of 39 he was criminally prosecuted in the UK for homosexual acts, which was illegal in United Kingdom at that time. In 1954, just two weeks before his 42nd birthday, he died from cyanide poisoning. They said it was a suicide, maybe due to the hormone treatments or depression over the persecution.

Google called Turing “a hero” that was a “pioneer” in the work of algorithms and the development of computer science.











Cyanide Poisoning

Envenenamento por cianeto

Todas as informações desta postagem foram retiradas do site: http://searchengineland.com/solve-the-alan-turing-google-logo-puzzle-125787 Às 14:09

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